Sup Witches!
hope you are all well! I've FINALLY finished moving into our beautiful new home and therefore I'm back in boss witch mode and oh my, how much have I missed you all! Decorating the house has been so much fun don't get me wrong but nothing beets my own special part of the internet where I can do what I love (:
So anyway, yesterday I got a parcel in the mail so wonderful I just had to share it with you. I wasn't planning on putting a full review up of this but I think it deserves all the attention it can get as its something I know you'll all love. I have not been paid to talk about this what so ever I simply love sharing small businesses that deserve the recognition for all the hard work they put into their Items.

If you are looking for witchy supplies I think we can all agree Etsy is a wonderful place to find such things. Not only do you know exactly where they came from but time and energy that has gone into them is also just as magical. The Item I wish you show you guys today is from an Etsy shop called HEX BOX. The owner Rebecca creates spell boxes, potions, candles and gifts all of course if the witchy variety.

What I got was the Magic Herb Collection - Spell box as although I like to forage for my herbs ect I thought was a perfect box to have on standby for when i may have run out of things that are a lot more harder to find where I live.

The first thing that stood out to me when I opened this box was how practical everything is, right down to the packaging! Everything came in a hand stained wooden box which, lets face it, what witch doesn't want more pretty wooden boxes in her life? every item was wrapped in black tissue paper which I saved for wish spells and drawing sigils on, even the string and rosemary decorating the box will be used!

Inside the box
Jasmine Flowers
sloe berries
Himalayan Pink Salt
Juniper Berries
Wood Betony
Oak Bark
Star Anise
Rose Petals
Mandrake Root
Tree of Life Herb

Clear Quartz tumbled stone
Black Candle
X2 incense
crow feather
bottle of dead sea salt
sage rosemary and dill smudge stick

I absolutely love this little box of magic and it would also serve as a perfect travel altar as well! Its a great addition to my craft and since I just moved house the smudge stick is perfect timing!
Where do you get your witchy supplies ? i'd love to hear you recommendations!
until next time my sweets